
Bit of a break in posts, but for good reason. I’ve been heads down in bag world, created an LLC, and will soft launch at a local record fair in August, so that’s exciting. Second, I just returned from a three week solo trip to Japan. I’m still decompressing, but it was magical, inspiring, and life changing in a lot of ways. At the moment, I’m organizing my field recordings and voice memos to create a sort of audio collage that I hope captures the essence of the country, but also my experience, because I suspect I did a lot of things that most first time visitors did not.


I was in Austin over the weekend for a DJ gig (and to see my parents) and wanted to make another record bag for the trip. I made a v2 with a few changes that I'm pretty happy with. Turns out a lot of other people are too! I posted it to instagram and I've now got a shortlist of a dozen or so folks interested in buying one, so I'm now planning to make and sell a small run of them.







Live-drawing performance tool

While I was at Big Ears at the beginning of April (a music festival in Knoxville), I noticed there wasn't much of a visual aspect to any of the performances, but for a festival so centered around collaboration and improvisation, it seemed like a missing piece. There were a few key things that I think lead to the spark of inspiration:

From there I started thinking of tools to implement something like that. Drawing apps are a dime a dozen, but I want it to automatically remove or fade old strokes. Otherwise, it would just become a mess of lines.